2016 is the year of Virtual Reality.  Many years have past to bring us to this point of a healthy early adopter stage.  I attended all three shows listed above. The Consumer Electronics Show, Game Developers Conference and National Association of Broadcasters all had major VR displays and sessions. Virtual Reality companies were everywhere.  From gaming, Social VR to cinematic expressions of VR, I can say from years of being in the technology field, this technology is not going the way of 3DTV of 2011.  I will be blogging more on this is days ahead.

The End of Resolution

At what point will the resolution inherent in a given image whether video, film, or photography exceed the human eye's perception to see imperfections, jagged edges, pixelation etc?  Audio reproduction exceed the human listening capability on both the low and high end years ago. Having attended NAB 2014 answered this question for me when I went into a research exhibit by NHK, a Japanese research institute, which dedicated the exhibit to showcasing 8K. I did not need to see the 8K screens and theater to get my curiosity satisfied.  There was a SONY F65 outputting a 4K image to a SONY 30" Trimaster 4K monitor.  I got on my best glasses and stuck my face 2-3 inches from the screen. No matter what object I looked at, high to low contrast edges, color borders, I simply could not discern a pixel, jagged edge, any chip crawl or artifacting whatsoever. I was looking into a perfectly reproduced image.  Granted the cost of these two items may have approached $75K,  but for me it was the end of the discussion. Certainly, many have and will continue to refine sweet spots in screen size, and create viewing distance optimization charts etc., but we are closing in on and have achieved to a degree the end of the human eye's ability to distinguish reproduced imagery from the organic. Thoughts?